Race Team

The LTS Race Team provides our students with the opportunity to expand and enhance their involvement with the sport of sailing, with the ultimate goal of helping to build lifelong sailors. Alumni of past LTS Race programs have been and are members of the elite in the world of sailboat racing, including members of America’s Cup teams, world champions, Collegiate All-Americans, and more. Little Traverse Sailors has a vast number of alumni who enjoy the sport and pleasure of sailing as a lifelong passion.
The LTS Race Team is designed for committed sailors age 13-20 who want to take their sailing experience to the next level. The program gives team members the opportunity to grow their sailing skills, learn advanced racing tactics, and build a passion for sailing in a fun team sport environment. This experience is designed for sailors who are comfortable and confident sailing on their own; prospective team members need to have mastered all points of sail and basic boat-handling.
2024 Race Team Schedule
LTS Race Team
LTS Race Team will meet June 17-August 16 from 1pm to 4pm daily
Racing Sailors will sail mainly in 420s and Lasers
LTS coaches have a wealth of experience to share with your racing sailor.
Each week the coaches will address different aspects of sailing both Club and Collegiate 420s. See registration for weekly descriptions. Sailors may travel to race at another venue.
$325 per week/ Local Rate available
If you have any questions or are curious if you qualify for Race team please contact David Gerber.
e: david.gerber@littletraversesailors.org
c: (312) 213-1181

The Traveller Regatta
The Traveller Regatta honors David Irish and his legendary boat Traveller. Traveller was a kelly green Peterson 34 that was sailed at the highest levels particularly in Bayview-Mackinaw Races and offshore races of LMSRF Area V in the 1980s.
The “one of a kind” single-spreader boat enjoyed much success sailing “old school” against much more modern boats of the times. The success of Traveller was a true testament to the “genius” of Dave’s sailing ability as the boat was as unique as her skipper.
The Traveller Regatta Trophy provided by the Irish Family shows Traveller approaching Mackinac Island in the 1986 Bayview-Mackinac Race.

The Collaboration Regatta
The Collaboration Regatta honors Oliver Grin and his legendary boat Collaboration. Collaboration was a Nelson Merek 46 that enjoyed great success in the Great Lakes and across the globe in the 1990s.
Collaboration twice won Key West Race Week in addition to a first overall finish in the Miami-Montego Bay Race, first overall in the NYYC’s Onion Patch Series and first in class & third overall in the Newport-Bermuda Race. Success followed Collaboration as it came back to the Great Lakes winning first overall in the Bayview-Mackinac Race, Queens Cup & Ugotta Regatta.
Ollie & Collaboration were named Boat of the Year by Yachting Magazine and selected to represent the United States at the Commodore’s Cup in Cowes, England. Collaboration led the three boat U.S. team to victory in the Commodore’s Cup over a very competitive field comprised of teams from 17 countries and four continents.
The Collaboration Regatta Trophy donated by the Grin Family depicts the “Spirit of Collaboration” which was the foundation of Grin’s philosophy for success both on and off the water.

The Tomahawk Regatta
The Tomahawk Regatta honors T.K. Lowry and his multiple boats named Tomahawk. The Tomahawk boats were a fixture in both the Chicago & Bayview Mackinaw races during the 1980s & 1990s.
While Lowry skippered Tomahawk to winning its class four times and winning 1st overall in the 1996 Bayview Mackinaw Race, it was the events of the 1985 Bayview Mackinaw race that were his most courageous. During 1985 Bayview Mackinaw Race, his C&C 35 Tomahawk suffered a hull failure during a vicious storm resulting in Tomahawk sinking in 19 minutes. All crew members were safely rescued and Lowry continued to sail in the Mackinaw races for many years to come…
The Tomahawk Regatta Trophy was donated by the Lowry Family and crafted by R.J. Oldenkamp.

The Teddy Brown Regatta
The Teddy Brown Regatta honors former LTS sailor, Teddy Brown and his infectious spirit. We lost Teddy in a tragic plane crash in 2016 that also claimed the lives of his mother and father. Teddy was an LTS student with a big smile that enjoyed the simple pleasure of being on the water sailing with his LTS friends.
While Teddy enjoyed sailing, he didn’t necessarily consider himself a “serious racer.” It is with his spirit in mind that the Teddy Brown Regatta focuses on having fleets for all skill levels and always a “sweet treat” on the shore after racing.
The Teddy Brown Regatta Trophy was donated by his friends at Little Traverse Sailors.
LTS is pleased to run weekly competitive dinghy races, with Lasers racing Monday evenings and 420’s competing Thursday evenings. Unless otherwise stated by the race committee, the races will start in the vicinity of the Harbor mark. The race committee will attempt to run 3-4 races per evening using a 3 minute dinghy starting sequence. We use the current edition of the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing and the International Laser Class Association rules. Any inquiries or questions can be directed to David Gerber, this year’s Captain of the Dinghy Fleet, via email admin@littletraversesailors.org
A copy of the Laser and 420 Series SI’s can be found HERE
Registration for dinghy racing is now open! Register below.

Laser Racing
June 17-August 12
Mondays 6pm
$100 fee
BYO Laser
LTS Lasers will be available to current LTS Youth and Race Team Sailors
*Use of LTS boats requires approval from Fleet Captain David Gerber admin@littletraversesailor.org

420 Racing
June 20-August 15
Thursdays at 6pm
$100 fee includes use of LTS 420 (No fee for LTS Race Team)
*Use of LTS boats requires approval from Fleet Captain David Gerber